
Guidelines for Submitting Proposals

  • Step 1: Complete the 2020-Presentation-Submission-Form-Template (click on the title to open) for any proposal submitted. Carefully note any audiovisual equipment you require before you submit your proposal.
  • Step 2: E-mail with Attachments: Submit your proposal via email attachment to the Program Unit Chair/Co-Chairs no later than Friday, January 3, 2020.  Any deadline extension that might be required should be cleared with chairs.
  • Step 3: Notification of your proposal acceptance status for the Annual Regional Meeting program will be sent by Monday, February 3rd, 2020.

General Participation Requirements at the Regional Meeting 

  • Membership to AAR, SBL or ASOR is not required to submit a proposal in response to the Call for Papers.
  • However all participants must be members in order to present, and all participants accepted to the program must be registered for the Regional Meeting by Friday, April 3rd, 2020 at 11:59pm. 
  • You must make your own travel and housing arrangements to present at . See below for more details on discounted housing arrangements.

Registration and Housing (Information will be updated soon)

  • Click here to register for the conference in January 2020.
  • Hotel registration (information coming soon)
  • Saturday Banquet registration

Call for papers 2020
Submit proposals electronically to section chairs by Friday, Jan 3rd, 2020
Paper proposals should be 400-500 words.
Papers should be no longer than 17-20 minutes in length.

All accepted presenters MUST register by Friday, April 3rd, 2020 or their presentation will be cancelled and omitted from online program. 

Membership is not required to submit a proposal, but membership IS REQUIRED to present at the conference. A small number of partial scholarships to assist with membership fees for currently enrolled students are available. 

PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS are due to program chairs by Friday, January 3, 2020 by 11:59pm


Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Regional of the American Academy of Religion

St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

The mission of ASOR is to initiate, encourage and support research into, and public understanding of, the peoples and cultures of the Near East from the earliest times.

Call for Papers
We invite abstracts detailing original research, archaeological excavations, and studies of all aspects related to ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean art, archaeology, and ancient Near Eastern languages. Undergraduate and graduate students and independent scholars are welcome to present papers.

Proposals should be submitted directly to the Chair: Monique Vincent, Walla Walla University,

The Arts and Religion section is committed to exploring the relationship between creative expression and spiritual practice. We invite multiple perspectives, embodied passionate scholarship, and rich discussion about the ways in which the arts and spirituality contribute to a deeper understanding of the human condition.

Call for Papers
Our program unit is interested in all forms of spiritual, creative, and ritual work. We recognize and take seriously the many creative forms undertaken by human beings in pursuit of leading meaningful lives. This includes but is not limited to handiwork, the use of image, symbol, ritual, music, percussion, dance, poetry, theatre, myth, folklore and storytelling. We invite you to contemplate about how art is created and used and perceived in human society, especially in times of peril and struggle. Consider: How do people engage in the creative act in order to affirm their humanity, recover their dignity, and commemorate joy and grief with an aim towards healing? Interdisciplinary approaches and multimedia presentations as individual or panel proposals are welcome. We look forward to hearing from you.

Proposals should be submitted directly to the co-chairs: Octavio Carrasco, PhD and Marion G. Dumont, PhD

To promote scholarship in non-Western areas of religion and theology and to assess various comparative methods of investigation.

Proposals should be submitted directly to the Chair: Nick Gier, University of Idaho

Since the Biblical Hebrew texts are part of the larger category of ‘biblical texts,’ the rationale for the Hebrew Bible session falls naturally within the mandate of the SBL, the central purpose of which is “…advancing the academic study of biblical texts and their contexts as well as of the traditions and contexts of biblical interpretation.”
The primary goal of the Hebrew Bible session is to foster study and interaction in the field, more specifically:
• To promote academic dialogue between scholars in the Pacific Northwest Region.
• To showcase and promote research in the Hebrew Bible.
• To advance the quality of research and writing in the area of Hebrew Bible by mentoring and recommending work for publication.
• To provide mentoring and opportunities for graduate students to present their work to the Hebrew Bible session, thus incorporating new scholars into the greater goals of the SBL.

Call for Papers – General Call
We welcome papers on any topic related to Hebrew Bible, with priority given to papers that deal with language and linguistics, wisdom literature, and prophetic literature. Early proposals are especially welcome with the goal of organizing a panel discussion for a regional scholar’s recent work and/or organizing a thematic topic session. Graduate students are required to send full copies of their papers for consideration.

Research Group on Dress 2017-2020
As the research of the first PNW Research Group on Dress in now published, the Hebrew Bible unit announces the continuing work of a second research group on the same topic. 2020 will mark the third year of work for this research group. The goal of this group is the sustained examination of the multivalent importance of Dress in ancient Israel. This group works closely over the course of three years in the manner of a think tank. Each member of the group undertakes the investigation of a topic that s/he will select. Each member shares her/his research with the rest of the group for peer review, brainstorming, and feedback. The members of this group meet annually during the Pacific Northwest SBL AAR ASOR meeting. The minimum commitment time to this research group is two years.

Proposals should be submitted directly to the chair: Antonios Finitsis, Pacific Lutheran University,

This program unit invites both historians of Christianity and scholars studying North American religions to present their research and engage in collegial discussion of their work. Review panels of selected new works in these fields are also included in the sessions. The section seeks to develop an ongoing dialog and network among participants.
Call for Papers
Papers are welcome in any area of the History of Christianity and North American Religions. Proposals are especially invited on the following themes:
• Papers reflecting current research in the history of Christianity (any era).
• Papers related to the history and practice of North American religions.
• Papers related to churches and religious organizations in the Pacific Northwest.
Please email proposals to co-chairs Laura Jurgens and Christopher Roberts

The Study of Islam program unit fosters intellectual exchange and collaboration among regional scholars working in any area of Islamic Studies. In addition to research panels, we host an annual roundtable devoted to a topic of current pedagogical concern, and we have launched an annual film series. We welcome papers from academics at any career stage.

Call for Papers
“We encourage proposals for individual papers websted or full panels investigating any aspect of historical or contemporary Islam, including but not limited to Islamic texts, practices, law, history, and theology.”
Proposals should be submitted directly to the chair: Paul Powers, Lewis & Clark College,

Mormon Studies promotes the exploration of a wide range of topics relating to Mormonism. This section seeks to provide scholarly inquiry into Mormon history, culture, belief and practice, theology, scripture, and the role of Mormonism in contemporary politics. This section encourages the study of Mormonism from multiple disciplines and methodologies. This section will better equip those in the academy to teach on the subject of Mormonism and actively promotes opportunities for interfaith dialogue.

Papers are welcome in any area of Mormon Studies. We encourage papers from multiple disciplinary and methodological perspectives and especially invite proposals on the following themes: TBA

Proposals and questions should be submitted directly to the co-chairs: Thomas Murphey, Edmonds Community College,

This program unit provides an opportunity to discuss topics in New Testament and related interdisciplinary studies, such as Hebrew Bible and Early Christianity, as well as topics relating to Hellenistic Religions and related literature. While the name of the program unit has recently changed (from New Testament and Hellenistic Religions), the focus of the unit has not, as we strive to be inclusive of a wide range of topics of interest to the study of early Christian writings and the world in which they developed.

Call for Papers
We welcome papers reflecting the research endeavors especially of Pacific Northwest scholars in the fields of New Testament and the World of Early Christianity. This year our Program Unit will host several different sessions.

• Research, Discussion, and Publication Group = Power and Authority in the Early Christian World. The TEXTS AND THE WORLD OF EARLY CHRISTIANITY unit announces the creation of a specialized research group on the topic of Power and Authority in the Early Christian World. Papers from any units and other regions are encouraged as well. The work of the research group will be to accept papers on this topic, discuss and disseminate papers, and finalize as a publication. The members of this group will meet during the Pacific Northwest SBL AAR ASOR meeting. The minimum commitment time to this research group is two years. For papers to be considered they must be submitted, presented, and discussed during the Spring Regional meetings.
• Greco-Roman Environment and Early Christian Movements (Coordinator: Anne Moore, We invite papers on the influence of Greco-Roman culture on various forms of early Christianity and their writings (including non-canonical texts), as well as on the reception of early Christian texts in Greco-Roman circles. In particular, we are seeking presentations in the area of material culture and/or archaeology.
• Open session. All topics relevant to the Program Unit are invited.
• Book panel(s). We are interested in conducting a book review panel for one or more books published in the past year by participants in our region. If you will/have had a relevant book published by the time of the 2019 regional meeting, send suggestions directly to the chairpersons.

Proposals should be submitted directly to Anne Moore, University of Calgary; Stan Helton; and Ron Clark, Portland Seminary,

Our section welcomes all papers related to ethics, contemporary social issues or events, and social scientific perspectives on religion. Recurring themes in our discussions include neuroscience, psychology of religious experience, demographic and cultural transitions, war and violence, science, and Speculative Fiction (SF).

Call for Papers
The Religion and Society Unit invites interdisciplinary perspectives that address topics across religion and society. Of particular interest are papers that address various forms of societal conflict such as racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and xenoracism. The goal of this call for papers is to help religious and community leaders to understand various forms of societal conflict, through religious and social scientific methods of analysis, and develop tools and resources that will equip religious and community leaders to address societal conflict. Papers may address the method(s) and the role(s) of forgiveness, religious ethics, social justice, and leadership studies to enter into conversations of conflict resolution.

Proposals should be submitted directly to the co-chairs: Joseph Paxton, Claremont School of Theology, and Jenna Ferrey, University of Calgary,

The Gender, Religion, Sexuality, and Power unit, a project of our Religion and Society section, is new and exploratory. We welcome papers that explore the intersection of these concepts, broadly defined, and we especially welcome radical, dynamic, and diverse thought. We are looking for papers which explore the intersection of religion and any aspect of gender or sexuality in the context of articulations of social power.
Here is some guiding language regarding the types of papers we welcome, and have seen in the past:
• The role of agency in defining personal practice. For example, the intersection of agency and mysticism, or of agency and conversion experience.
• The technological image of the human or the impact of technology on aspects of gender or sexuality.
• Papers exploring specific religious perspectives of sexuality, such as Islam or Christianity.
Interested scholars may propose a full panel in any related area. We consider the unit an incubator for ideas and therefore are open to exploratory ideas or papers in preliminary form, as well as to papers from advanced undergraduate or Master’s students.
There is also the possibility of a joint session with the Women in Religion unit, exploring the way gender emerges as an aspect of many contexts within religion. If you are interested in presenting at a joint session with Women in Religion, please indicate so in your submission.
To be considered, please submit a paper abstract or panel proposal of no more than 500 words.
Abstracts or proposals may be submitted to more than one program unit or section for consideration. If you submit to more than one, please identify your preference with your submission.

Please submit all abstracts or proposals to Unit Co-Chairs, Bruce Hiebert
and Jennifer Newman

Call for Papers:
Religion and Social Sciences invites interdisciplinary perspectives that address the integration of religious scholarship with disciplines focused on psychology and culture, including anthropology, education, psychology, sociology, or social work. Each of these disciplines involves the careful examination and understanding of human experience. This unit hopes to provide a venue to showcase and discuss scholarship that advances the intersection of these streams of scholarship. Presentation proposals may consider, for example, topics including religion and mental health; religion and trauma; neuropsychology and theology; guilt and shame; forgiveness; humility; gratitude; God image/concept; faith development; religion and sexuality; the psychology of the pastorate; the sociology of faith communities; religious faith in culture; religious and spiritual struggle; religion and aggression, conflict, and violence; religious attitudes; religion and migration; and religious multiplicity.

Questions should be submitted directly to the co-chairs: Marcia Webb, Seattle Pacific University, and Joseph Paxton, Claremont School of Theology,

The Theology and Philosophy of Religion Section exists to provide a forum for scholars to critically examine politics, scriptures, ethics, history, art, literature and/or culture from explicitly philosophical and theological perspectives. We welcome diverse perspectives and encourage the collegiality of frank and open dialogue between and among disciplinary areas.

Open Call for Papers
The Theology and Philosophy of Religion Section welcomes proposals for papers or panels concerning any aspect of theology and/or the philosophy of religion. Proposals may focus on any topic or issue. Please note that all individual presentations will be limited to 15-20 minutes in order to allow time for questions and conversation immediately after the presentation. Proposals should be submitted directly to the co-chairs: Sarah Gallant,, and Norman Metzler,

Joint Session with the Religion and Society group “Exploring ‘Evil’”
This joint session invites papers that explore philosophical, theological, and social scientific perspectives of evil. Broadly, papers may address a historical and/or contemporary perspectives of evil. Topics may include: the evolution of evil, free will evolved for morality and culture, the role of intent and harm in defining evil, evil among the well-intentioned – bias without awareness, media and evil, the process and pathway of dehumanization, false moral superiority and evil, when good people do bad things, and the bystander effect. The goal of this call is to generate a greater understanding of “what” constitutes evil, “when” people may be more or less likely to do evil acts, and “how” a good person can do evil deeds.

Proposals should be submitted directly to the session organizers: Sarah
Gallant, and Joseph Kim Paxton,

The Women and Religion unit invites individual papers and panel proposals from a variety of religious traditions that develop and utilize methods of interpretation and scholarship that centers the lived experiences of women.

In particular, for this year we invite engagement with the work of women scholars who examine the historical roots of supersessionism and antecedents to antisemitism as it has been acted out over time, or as we are witnessing it today. Authors such as Amy-Jill Levine, The Misunderstood Jew (HarperOne, 2006) Rosemary Radford Ruether, Faith and Fratricide (Seabury Press, 1974), and Pamela Eisenbaum, Paul Was Not a Christian (HarperOne, 2009), for example, invite us to consider the many factors around the development of Christian tradition from its Jewish provenance, in order to better understand the significance of documents such as “Dabru Emet” and “The Power of Words: a Catholic Response,” and what the implications are for further interfaith dialogue today.

Additionally, we invite papers addressing the following areas:
• The centering of women’s scholarship within a given religious tradition;
• Feminist womanist hermeneutics in scripture, theology, and/or spirituality;
• Historical revisionist reworkings of female religious figures;
• Women’s roles in places of worship throughout history; and
• The significance of women’s bodies in sacred text, sacred spaces, and sacred rites.

Proposals should be submitted directly to the co-chairs: Kristen Daley-Mosier and Carly Jane Lee

PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS are due to program unit chairs by Jan 3, 2020 by 11:59pm, unless special arrangements are made directly with unit chairs.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to Unit Chairs via emails indicated for each section.

Presentation or panel proposals should be NO LONGER than 400 words.

Presenters will be timed; presentations should be longer than 17-20 minutes in length to allow for fuller engagement. Discussion of presentations and questions will follow each presentation.

Participants with accepted proposals will be notified with acceptance letters the week of February 3, 2020.

All accepted presenters MUST be registered for the conference via the Eventbrite site by April 3, 2020. Be advised: any presenter not registered by 4/3/2020 will have their presentation automatically cancelled and they will be omitted from the online program. This is to reduce the number of aborted presentations.

This year all REGISTERED participants (registered for presentation or attendance) will receive the advance program/schedule PDF via remail in April 2020. The programs will not be available online until May 1, 2020 to account for any last minute drop outs.